Kambo the frog medicine


Is a medicine which is derived from the venom of the Giant leaf frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) often referred to as Sapo by the indigenous tribes of Brazil and Peru where I received my training.

Kambo is an anti fungal, antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and contains no less than 16 bio active peptides, which deliver powerful immune boosting properties. It is often called the vaccine of the forest. This medicine has been used for hundreds of years by the tribal communities who used it to ward off infections, fevers, diseases, to increase endurance and stamina when hunting, to bring good luck and increase fertility.

It has been used spiritually to remove ‘Panema’ bad luck, depression, and lethargy, so the individual can be free to live a full life free from ’Panema’.

Kambo flushes out toxins, and works on a physical, emotional and energetic level by going directly into the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

What Happens during a Kambo session

Once we have discussed your needs and the outcome of the ceremony, you will be guided to drink approximately 2 litres of water on an empty stomach. Prior to this you will have instructions on a diet to follow the previous days leading up to the ceremony.

Whilst I am preparing the medicine, which is a mixture of dry secretion of the venom and a little water, you will be drinking your water.

I will make a superficial burn to the first layer of your epidermis with a tamshi stick, (a thin vine much like bamboo.) Several points are lightly burned to the skin, depending on your sensitivity and times you have received Kambo, I start off small and increase over time depending on what is right for you. Once the layer of skin has been burned the venom is applied to each point and you will be encouraged to continue to drink. Within a short amount of time you will begin to feel the effects of Kambo and most likely purge.

What are the effects during a Kambo session

The effects of Kambo are unpleasant which induces purging in most people, that can typically last up to 40 minutes.

Other possible effects that may take place are nausea, vomiting consisting a mixture of water, venom and bile, sweating, shivers, dizziness, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, facial swelling, tingling and numbing of hands/feet, there can also be felt temporary pressure around the head and neck.

All the above does not seem very pleasant but it usually finishes very quickly and the best part is actually the purge, that sensation of deeply letting go of toxins and the stuff you have been carrying around with you for years.

The ceremony can last between 90 minutes to 3 hours in a ceremonial setting, made up of medicine song and my careful guidance from start to finish.

What To Expect After Receiving Kambo

The effects of Kambo are fast acting and often profound.

It is often reported that following Kambo you have sharper senses, enhanced mental clarity, a strong sense of calmness and lack of addictive nature. Stronger vital energy, more focus with a drive to see plans through and a better mood can also occur , which is why it’s great for depression, anxiety, feeling stuck, loss of direction and treating addictions.


Very Low Blood Pressure/High blood pressure
Circulatory Issues, Heart Conditions
Brain haemorrhage
Addison’s Disease
Organ transplant
Immune Suppressants for Organ Transplant
Recovering from major surgery
Boerhaave’s Syndrome

This list is not exhaustive and full advice is provided upon consultation.

My Medicine

I pride myself on working with love, care and ethics, it was very important for me to train directly with the Matses in the Amazon, I also had the privilege to see first hand how they gather the medicine with great respect for the frog, ensuring no harm comes to the frog, and releasing it back to the wild without over producing from them in line with their traditions.

Taking the next steps

Please contact me and we will have a chat and you will be sent instructions. 

I advise to feel into it and set enough time for you to follow the dietary recommendations, and to allow yourself a days rest and time to integrate afterwards.

Specialising in love, harmony and innerself

Maria Moore